It's Czechia now, okay? So don’t call it The Czech Republic, because apparently that just wasn't catchy enough, and also, it's no good when the first word in your country is "The." (Looking at you, Netherlands!)
And for sure, don’t call it it Czechoslovakia, not since the Velvet Divorce back in 1993.
And for damn sure don’t confuse it with Chechnya, the "breakaway republic" that would like a divorce, velvet or otherwise, from Russia.
Prague was one of our favorite honeymoon destinations. It hasn't changed much since then--still the same feast for the eyes, although now the food is better so it's more of a treat for the stomach as well. The Lennon wall is still there, going strong. It's changed a little, though--Venezuelan friends, czech out the Maduro shout-out, bottom middle. Yeah, I painted that for you. You're welcome. ;-)
Whatever you call this place, it's where you'll find Prague. And if I get my way, that's where you'll find me again, one of these days. And here's where you'll find our Prague notes, and some reflections on our day trip to Terezin.