

Oh, there *will* be a next time.

Next visit, I plan to:

  • Pack better:

In our defense, we couldn't really have packed more warm clothes than we did. Our space is limited, and our 10 days in Iceland represented a small fraction of our trip, and the climate is likely colder than anything else we're likely to encounter on the rest of the places we visit. So while I knew we'd end up wearing the same layers day in and day out, which we did, the part of me that hates to re-wear clothes without washing them suffered greatly.

But, while we were slightly cold, damp and stinky much of the time, nobody lost any digits to frostbite. The things I wish we'd had brought with us include windproof/waterproof gloves (we bought some passable ones at the Netto, but they were crazy expensive for convenience store items) and more wool socks. Especially those super-cute knee-high Nordic-looking ones.

Also, Scotchguard everything before you go: shoes, hats, windbreakers etc. It's often not really cold, but drizzly and rainy, so the drier you can stay, the happier you'll be.

If you've got the room (and you really should make the room), do yourself a favor and bring waterproof shell pants, preferably the kind that zip at the ankles so you can put them on and take them off without removing your shoes.

  • Give ourselves more time to really dig in:

I'd spend a week with Avra learning to ride at Ellen's farm. I'd spend a week at Elisabeth's knee, learning everything she cared to teach me. And I'd spend a few more days in Reykjavik, maybe catch a show at the Harpa, or at least take a tour of the building. There’s a cool (but pricey) Viking costume photo opp thing if you want to get your Game of Thrones on. Kiki’s looks fun too—I’m always down for a party with some bitches, the fiercer the better. If I get really adventurous, one of these days, I’d actually even consider coming at New Years, which sounds like a whole different kind of fun. 

  • Read more, both before and during our trip:


Iceland has the highest percentage of authors per capita of any country on earth.* What else you gonna do during the long, dark winter?

This book was my Kindle companion as I worked my way through the inevitable jet lag. It's a quick read, funny, and chock full of little tidbits that came in handy during our visit. Highly recommended.

On my list for next time: some Sagas like this collection, and something by Iceland's Nobel Laureate Halldor Laxness.


I Heart Reykjavik, a fun blog as well as a touring company run by a woman with a good head on her shoulders and a sense of both fun and humor. Next visit, I will definitely look her up.

*I read this online, so it must be true.

Say Hi to Baegisa (BYE-gee-sa)

Cold hard truths about visiting Iceland